Thursday, 6 August 2015

The Bridge Builders

The headteacher at Abermule Primary School approached me as they had been doing a school-wide project on the canal during their summer term. I agreed it would be good to collaborate with pupils and get them involved in the design of the 'Modelling the Monty' canal-modelling kit.

Pupils from the school spent a few weeks in the run-up to my visit moulding their own plaster bricks using silicone moulds I had made. We decided I would come to the school and we would build a bridge model to test the kit. We also thought it would be a good idea to make a stop-motion animation of the process.

Earlier in the term pupils had been working with their music teacher performing songs celebrating the building of the canals and the glory days of canal transportation, and one of the songs they performed, titled 'Grand Canals', forms the soundtrack to the animation above.